Research Ethics

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Research Ethics for Journal of Political Criticism

Chapter 1: General Statement

Article 1

The Research Ethics has the purpose to ensure the integrity and quality of submitted papers and to determine the fair procedures and criteria for examination and sanction when research transgressions may occur.

Article 2

It applies to all the participants who submit papers to this journal.

Article 3

It applies generally, except for special stipulations.

Article 4

It should be informed in the notification of submission and when participants submit their papers. And it is assumed that participants take the oath to observe it when they submit their papers.

Chapter 2: Specification of Transgressions

Article 5

Research transgression is specified into falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, and double submission in the conduct of research and submission of papers.
1. Falsification and fabrication refer to a participant's arbitrary data-forging, deleting, transfiguring, etc., in the intention
    of distorting his or her research content or outcome.
2. Plagiarism refers to a participant's appropriation of another's idea, research result, or outcome without due
    acknowledgment or citation, and his attempt to draw on some part of another's research without appropriate
3. Double submission refers to a participant's attempt to submit his or her paper which has been published in other
    journals, as if a new one.

Chapter 3: Decision Process

Article 7

The editorial committee has a final right to decide ethical transgressions in research. The determination needs
the 2/3 consents of the committee members. And the decision process should amount to ¡°a due process of law.¡±

Chapter 4: Sanction

Article 8

A participant will not submit his or her paper within 3 years after his or her paper is decided as a falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism, and the paper in question will be deleted in the paper-list of this journal. And this journal will notify the fact that the paper in question has transgressed ethical requirements.

Article 9

A participant will not submit his or her paper within 1 year after his or her paper is decided as a double submission. And the fact will be notified in this journal.

Article 10

The republication of a paper in the form of book, etc., which has been published in this journal should have an indication of its original source.