Rules for the Review

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Rules for the Editorial Board and Review

21. Aug. 2015

Chapter 1: General Statement

Article 1

Rules for the Editorial Board and Review has the purpose to specify the proceedings of publication of Journal of Political Criticism which The Korean Association for Political Criticism publishes.

Chapter 2: The Editorial Board and its Roles

Article 2

The Editorial Board consists of editor-in-chief, associate editors, and committee members within about 20.

Article 3

The Roles of the Editorial Board
- To make recommendation for the selection of reviewers for submitted papers.
- To make the final decision for the publication of papers.
- To make proposals of revision for review and publication rules.
- The decision generally follows the majority rule of more than half of those present.
- The Editorial Board should offer the best assistance and advice to enhance the quality of Journal of Political Criticism.

Chapter 3: Publication of Journal of Political Criticism

Ariticle 4

- Applicants should submit their papers at, or on the website,
- Applicants should follow the rules of writing specified by this journal.
- Applicants can apply in any time.
- Applicants consent that the copyright and transfer of the content of their paper is owned by The Korean Association
   of Political Criticism when it is published in Journal of Political Criticism.

Article 5

Journal of Political Criticism is published twice a year, June 30 and December 31.

Chapter 4: Procedure and Criterion of Review

Article 6

First Review
- The Editorial Board selects three appropriate reviewers for each paper after manuscript deadline, May 11 and
   November 11.
- Reviewers appreciate the entrusted paper and write out their view in the formulation sent by the Editorial Board.
- Reviewers should send back their review, in principle, within 2 weeks. A editorial director can replace a reviewer,
   when he resists or does not send back within 3 weeks, without a special notice.
- Criterion of Publication
Reviewer A Reviewer B Reviewer C Decision
Publish Publish Publish Publish
Publish Publish Revision
Publish Publish Reject
Publish Revision Revision Publish after Revision
Revision Revision Revision
Publish Revision Reject Second Review after Revision
Revision Revision Reject
Publish Reject Reject Reject
Revision Reject Reject
Reject Reject Reject
- The Editorial Board decides whether a revised paper can be published or not, based upon its degree of accomplishment
   of revision.
- Second Review after Revision
1. Second Review is done within 10 days.
2. Three reviewers decide whether a paper in question is satisfactorily revised.
Reviewer A Reviewer B Reviewer C Decision
Publish Publish Publish Publish
Publish Publish Reject
Publish Reject Reject Reject
Reject Reject Reject

Article 7

A rejected paper cannot be re-submitted in the same year. A re-submitted paper must inform the Editorial Board of its re-submission.

Article 8

There no procedure for an applicant's raising objections to the review decision of his or her paper.